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White solid. Melting point at approx. 240℃. Soluble to 65 ppm in distilled water; soluble in chloroform; essentially insoluble in alcohol and ether.
Used extensively on almond and peaches to control shot hole, brown rot, and peach leaf curl. Used on apples, pears, and pecans to control scab and bull’s-eye rot. Used on grapes to control black rot, downy mildew, Phomopsis cane, ripe rot and Botrytis bunch rot. Used on vegetables. The most stable of the metallic dithiocarbamates; non-phytotoxic except for zinc-sensitive plants. Does not build up in the soil and is rapidly decomposed by weathering.

Formulations and Packing:
90% WP       25kg plastic woven bag
98% Tech   25kg plastic woven bag